Walking with you on your journey

to living purposefully

Take a moment to stop and look around at the view of your life. 

Are you content with what you see?

Is there a clear view ahead of the life you want and the path to get there?  

Or is there fog on the horizon, making it difficult to see ahead? 

There are so many different tracks and trails to take as you journey through life that it’s easy to lose your way.   

Providing purposeful conversations and gentle questions, I will walk beside you as your coach to create the space for you to explore your next steps to authentic living. 

Side-by-side coaching with compassion

Life is a series of choices, each shaping the path ahead. With every step, you encounter opportunities to grow, discover new strengths, and move closer to the person you aspire to be. 

As a qualified coach, mentor and community leader, I will walk beside you, opening a safe, confidential and compassionate space to explore the possibilities of what you truly want from your life. 

Taking a side-by-side approach, you will lead the way, knowing that you have support to navigate your journey, make confident choices and live in alignment with your strengths and values. 

Find your true direction

When you’re out of alignment with your core strengths and values, it can feel like your life is going in a direction you never consciously chose. 

Through coaching, you will gain the clarity and confidence to live in alignment with your inner compass, ensuring that each step you take leads you to your ideal vision of life. 

Tapping into your inherent strengths, we will uncover what you really want in life and create a pathway to get you there. 

If you’re ready to begin this journey, click below to book your free, no-obligation discovery call. 

Through coaching, I gained a clearer picture on how to structure my services and approach my messaging. Having the space to speak about and organise my thoughts allowed me to develop what I really love to do and create a plan of action!

Marina’s coaching was the ideal support at the ideal time for me. Her style of allowing me to tease out certain ideas was perfect, and her gentle questions allowed me to dive deeper into certain aspects and thoughts.

If you are looking for a supportive space and for someone to listen carefully to your messages, I would definitely recommend Marina’s coaching services.

Estelle Cotter, Green Opal Media